
Implementation level
Type Status
CML extraction template image1
HTML5 representation image2
Template attributes
Attribute Value
source ADF log
id orbital.energies.zora
name Scaled ZORA Orbital Energies, per Irrep and Spin
pattern \s*Scaled\sZORA\sOrbital\sEnergies,\sper\sIrrep\sand\sSpin.*
endPattern \s*$.*$\s*={1,10}.*
endPattern2 \s*$\s*={1,10}.*
endPattern3 ~
endOffset 0
repeat *
xml:base results/orbital.energies.zora.xml
Scaled ZORA Orbital Energies, per Irrep and Spin:
                       Occup              E (au)              E (eV)       Diff (eV) with prev. cycle
                       -----      --------------------        ------       --------------------------
            203        2.000     -0.26799453494505E+00        -7.293              -8.29E-06
            204        2.000     -0.26787674718554E+00        -7.289              -9.53E-06
            205        2.000     -0.26543621800800E+00        -7.223              -5.77E-06
            206        2.000     -0.26542577295741E+00        -7.223              -2.83E-06
            207        2.000     -0.26534384981149E+00        -7.220              -4.78E-06
            208        2.000     -0.25938418557305E+00        -7.058              -4.71E-06
            209        2.000     -0.25930913648310E+00        -7.056              -4.44E-06
            210        2.000     -0.25909320570560E+00        -7.050              -4.24E-06
            211        2.000     -0.24962811826665E+00        -6.793              -3.74E-06
            212        2.000     -0.24954935473765E+00        -6.791              -5.27E-06
            213        0.000     -0.17159990985412E+00        -4.669
            214        0.000     -0.17151397062575E+00        -4.667
            215        0.000     -0.15871426935881E+00        -4.319
            216        0.000     -0.15852383265612E+00        -4.314
            217        0.000     -0.15838074437314E+00        -4.310
            218        0.000     -0.14101919604084E+00        -3.837
            219        0.000     -0.14083030492318E+00        -3.832
            220        0.000     -0.14077423190854E+00        -3.831
            221        0.000     -0.13886798092112E+00        -3.779
            222        0.000     -0.13641178885529E+00        -3.712

HOMO :      212 A                -0.24954935473765E+00
LUMO :      213 A                -0.17159990985412E+00

cosmo_calcen: 0.5 (esolb+esolc) (Hartrees) =   -0.376338

Solvation energy (screening term,uncorrected) =   -236.155985 kcal/mol

Solvation energy (dispersion and cavitation terms) =      1.103434 kcal/mol
Solvation Energy Contributions (Hartrees)
         esola   esolb+esolc
    0.37633848   -0.75267695
esol last cycle   -0.37633848

Scaled ZORA Orbital Energies of the Core Orbitals:
Scaled ZORA Orbital Energies, per Irrep and Spin:
                       Occup              E (au)              E (eV)       Diff (eV) with prev. cycle
                       -----      --------------------        ------       --------------------------
              1        2.000     -0.88681592669345E+00       -24.131              -2.56E-11
              2        0.000      0.89840433219722E+00        24.447
              3        0.000      0.29556668859678E+02       804.278
              1        4.000     -0.33794335091447E+00        -9.196              -2.46E-11
              2        0.000      0.35464320986905E+00         9.650
              3        0.000      0.38296134087112E+01       104.209
              1        0.000      0.10608708589688E+01        28.868

Partially Occupied:
              1 P                -0.33794335091447E+00

HOMO :        1 S                -0.88681592669345E+00
LUMO :        2 P                 0.35464320986905E+00

Orbital Energies, all Irreps
Output text
<comment class="example.output" id="orbital.energies.zora">
        <module cmlx:templateRef="orbital.energies.zora">
            <list cmlx:templateRef="energies" dictRef="energies">
               <array dataType="xsd:integer" dictRef="cc:serial" size="20">203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222</array>
               <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="cc:occup" size="20">2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000</array>
               <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="cc:energy" size="20" units="nonsi:electronvolt">-7.293 -7.289 -7.223 -7.223 -7.220 -7.058 -7.056 -7.050 -6.793 -6.791 -4.669 -4.667 -4.319 -4.314 -4.310 -3.837 -3.832 -3.831 -3.779 -3.712</array>
               <array dataType="xsd:string" dictRef="cc:irrep" size="20">A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A</array>
Output text
<comment class="example.output" id="orbital.energies.zora">
        <module cmlx:templateRef="orbital.energies.zora">
            <list cmlx:templateRef="energies" dictRef="energies">
               <array dataType="xsd:integer" dictRef="cc:serial" size="7">1 2 3 1 2 3 1</array>
               <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="cc:occup" size="7">2.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000</array>
               <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="cc:energy" size="7" units="nonsi:electronvolt">-24.131 24.447 804.278 -9.196 9.650 104.209 28.868</array>
               <array dataType="xsd:string" dictRef="cc:irrep" size="7">S S S P P P D</array>
Template definition
<record repeat="4" />
<templateList>  <template id="section" pattern="\s*\S+\s*" endPattern="\s*\S+\s*" endPattern2="~" endOffset="0" repeat="*">    <record>{A,cc:irrep}</record>    <record repeat="*">{I,cc:serial}{F,cc:occup}\s+\S+\s+{F,cc:energy}.*</record>    <transform process="addChild" xpath="./cml:list/cml:list" elementName="cml:scalar" dictRef="cc:irrep" />    <transform process="addAttribute" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:irrep']" name="dataType" value="xsd:string" />    <transform process="setValue" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:irrep']" value="$string(ancestor::cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='section']//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:irrep' and text() != ''])" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='section']/cml:list/cml:scalar" />
<transform process="createArray" xpath="." from=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:serial']" />
<transform process="createArray" xpath="." from=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:spin']" />
<transform process="createArray" xpath="." from=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:occup']" />
<transform process="createArray" xpath="." from=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:energy']" />
<transform process="createArray" xpath="." from=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:irrep']" />
<transform process="addUnits" xpath=".//cml:array[@dictRef='cc:energy']" value="nonsi:electronvolt" />
<transform process="move" xpath=".//cml:array" to="." />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:module" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:list[count(*) = 0 ]" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:list[count(*) = 0 ]" />
<transform process="addChild" xpath="." elementName="cml:list" dictRef="energies" />
<transform process="addAttribute" xpath="./cml:list[@dictRef='energies']" name="cmlx:templateRef" value="energies" />
<transform process="move" xpath=".//cml:array" to=".//cml:list" />