

Implementation level
Type Status
CML extraction template image1
HTML5 representation image2
Template attributes
Attribute Value
source AMS ADF log
id adf
name ADF module
pattern \s+\*\s+\|\s+A\sD\sF\s+\|\s+\*.*
pattern2 \s+\*\s+\|\s+A\sM\sS\s+\|\s+\*.*
endPattern \s*A\s+D\s+F\s+E\s+X\s+I\s+T\s*
endPattern2 \s*AMS\sapplication\sfinished\.\sExiting.*
offset -10
endOffset 1
repeat *
xml:base adf/adf.xml
 *                                                                             *
 *  -------------------------------------                                      *
 *   Amsterdam Density Functional  (ADF)         2007.01   August 20, 2007     *
 *  -------------------------------------                                      *
 *                                               Build 200708201257            *
 *                                                                             *
 *                                                                             *
 *                              =================                              *
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 *                              |     A D F     |                              *
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 *                              =================                              *
 *                                                                             *
 *                                                                             *
 *   Online information and documentation:                 *
 *   E-mail:                                   *
 *                                                                             *
 *   Scientific publications using ADF results must be properly referenced     *
 *   See the User Manuals (or the web site) for recommended citations          *
 *   The terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement apply to       *
 *   the use of ADF,                *
 *                                                                             *
 ****************************  pentium_linux_ifc  ******************************

 ADF 2007.01  RunTime: Oct17-2008 16:16:48
 Oxygen (TZP, 1s frozen)


                                      *  R U N   T Y P E : SINGLE POINT  *
                                      *  R U N   T Y P E : GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION  *
                                      *  B U I L D : (Fragments, Functions)  *
                                      *  T E C H N I C A L  *
                                      *  C O M P U T A T I O N  *
                                      *  R E S U L T S  *
                                      *  F R E Q U E N C Y    A N A L Y S I S  *


                             A D F   E X I T
Template definition
<templateList>  <xi:include href="adf/../program.header.xml" />  <xi:include href="adf/init/modelparameters/model.parameters.xml" />  <xi:include href="adf/runtype.xml" />  <xi:include href="adf/build_fragments.xml" />  <xi:include href="adf/results/results.xml" />  <xi:include href="adf/frequencyanalysis.xml" />