
Implementation level
Type Status
CML extraction template image1
HTML5 representation image2
Template attributes
Attribute Value
source Gaussian log
id l301
name Generates basis set information
repeat *
endOffset 1
pattern \s*((General\sbasis|Basis|Standard basis)\sread\sfrom|Standard basis).*
endPattern \s*(No\sdensity\sbasis|NAtoms|Nuclear\srepulsion|IRadAn|GePol|Two-electron\sintegral).*
xml:base l301a.xml
Standard basis: 6-31G(d,p) (6D, 7F)
There are    19 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of A1  symmetry.
There are     2 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of A2  symmetry.
There are     7 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of B1  symmetry.
There are     7 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of B2  symmetry.
There are    19 symmetry adapted basis functions of A1  symmetry.
There are     2 symmetry adapted basis functions of A2  symmetry.
There are     7 symmetry adapted basis functions of B1  symmetry.
There are     7 symmetry adapted basis functions of B2  symmetry.
35 basis functions,    63 primitive gaussians,    35 cartesian basis functions
7 alpha electrons        7 beta electrons
nuclear repulsion energy        24.2623328806 Hartrees.
NAtoms=    3 NActive=    3 NUniq=    3 SFac= 1.00D+00 NAtFMM=   60 NAOKFM=F Big=F
Integral buffers will be    131072 words long.
Raffenetti 2 integral format.
Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
Template definition
<templateList>  <xi:include href="l301/l301.basis.xml" />  <xi:include href="l301/l301.basis2.xml" />  <xi:include href="l301/l301.dispersion.xml" />  <xi:include href="l301/l301.pcm.nonstandard.xml" />  <xi:include href="l301/l301.pcm.standard.xml" />
<transform process="delete" xpath="//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='job'][exists(.//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='l103'])]//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='l301' ][position() != 1]" />