
Implementation level
Type Status
CML extraction template image1
HTML5 representation image2
Template attributes
Attribute Value
source Turbomole log
id fit.pointcharges
name Fit of point charges due to electrostatic potential
pattern \s*={20,}\s*$\s*fit\sof\spoint\scharges\sdue\sto\selectrostatic\spotential.*
endPattern \s*$\s*={20,}\s*
repeat *
xml:base fit/fit.pointcharges.xml
              fit of point charges due to electrostatic potential

        charges resulting from fit:

  atom  radius/au   charge
   1 c   4.497548  0.276087
   2 c   4.497548 -0.215139
   3 c   4.497548 -0.287583
   4 c   4.497548  0.316100
   5 c   4.497548 -0.218323
   6 c   4.497548 -0.240288
   7 h   3.174740  0.163610
   8 h   3.174740  0.150389
   9 h   3.174740  0.170721
  10 h   3.174740  0.164721
  11 f   3.889056 -0.171465
  12 o   4.021337 -0.515902
  13 h   3.174740  0.407072

Output text
<comment class="example.output" id="fit.pointcharges">
        <module cmlx:templateRef="fit.pointcharges">
            <module cmlx:templateRef="fitcharges">
                <array dataType="xsd:integer" dictRef="cc:serial" size="13">1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13</array>
                <array dataType="xsd:string" dictRef="cc:elementType" size="13">c c c c c c h h h h f o h</array>
                <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="t:charge" size="13">0.276087 -0.215139 -0.287583 0.316100 -0.218323 -0.240288 0.163610 0.150389 0.170721 0.164721 -0.171465 -0.515902 0.407072</array>
Template definition
<templateList>  <template id="fitcharges" pattern="\s*-{20,}\s*$\s*charges\sresulting\sfrom\sfit:\s*" endPattern="\s+\w+.*$\s*" endOffset="1">    <record repeat="5" />    <record repeat="*" makeArray="true">{I,cc:serial}{A,cc:elementType}\s+\S+\s+{F,t:charge}</record>    <transform process="pullup" xpath=".//cml:array" />    <transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:list" />    <transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:module" />