
Implementation level
Type Status
CML extraction template image1
HTML5 representation image2
Template attributes
Attribute Value
source VASP outcar
id electronic.relaxation
name Electronic relaxation
pattern \s*Electronic\sRelaxation.*
endPattern \s*
endPattern2 \s*Ionic.*
xml:base incar/electronic.relaxation.xml
Electronic Relaxation 1
  ENCUT  =  500.0 eV  36.75 Ry    6.06 a.u.  14.17 14.17 41.81*2*pi/ulx,y,z
  ENINI  =  500.0     initial cutoff
  ENAUG  =  644.9 eV  augmentation charge cutoff
  NELM   =    250;   NELMIN=  2; NELMDL=  0     # of ELM steps
  EDIFF  = 0.1E-04   stopping-criterion for ELM
  LREAL  =      T    real-space projection
  NLSPLINE    = F    spline interpolate recip. space projectors
  LCOMPAT=      F    compatible to vasp.4.4
  GGA_COMPAT  = T    GGA compatible to vasp.4.4-vasp.4.6
  LMAXPAW     = -100 max onsite density
  LMAXMIX     =    6 max onsite mixed and CHGCAR
  VOSKOWN=      0    Vosko Wilk Nusair interpolation
  ROPT   =   -0.00050  -0.00050  -0.00050  -0.00050
Output text
<comment class="example.output" id="electronic.relaxation">
        <module cmlx:templateRef="electronic.relaxation">
                <list cmlx:templateRef="missingID">
                    <scalar dataType="xsd:integer" dictRef="v:energyCutoff" units="nonsi:electronvolt">500</scalar>
                <list cmlx:templateRef="missingID">
                    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="v:ediff">0.1E-04</scalar>
Template definition
<templateList>  <template pattern="\s*ENCUT.*" endPattern=".*" endPattern2="~">    <record>\s*ENCUT\s*={I,v:energyCutoff}.*</record>
        </template>  <template pattern="\s*EDIFF.*" endPattern=".*" endPattern2="~">    <record>\s*EDIFF\s*={E,v:ediff}.*</record>
<transform process="addUnits" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='v:energyCutoff']" value="nonsi:electronvolt" />