Enabled feature | Input file / settings Input file(s) are stored, allowing to reproduce the results. | General Info Display the most relevant metadata fields like author, program used, type of calculation, method used and basis used | Atomic coordinates Atom types used, atomic coordinates in cartesian and fractional units, cell dimensions on materials. | Molecular Info Solvation related information, charge and multiplicity fields, point group and kpoints | Energies Multiple energies types: Bonding energy, Free energy, Total energy, Zero Point Vibrational energy, etc | Molecular orbitals | Orbital Energy | Mulliken charges Mulliken atomic charges | Multipole deriv. Atom | Dipole moment | Quadrupole | S2 | Frequencies | Thermochemistry | Excitations TDDFT excitation energies | NMR NMR Shielding tensors | Timing | Interactive graphs Extended data visualization and analysis using interactive graphs. | Molecular Dynamics MD visualization on Jsmol | Other modules |
ADF AMS | IR Spectrum visualization using JSmol and the JCAMP-DX plugin. |
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Amber | Molecular dynamics file is stored but not displayed | |||||||||||||||||||
CASTEP | On geometry optimizations, it will display initial and final geometries, side to side. |
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Gaussian | Will also include QMMM and frozen atoms information. | IR Spectrum visualization using JSmol and the JCAMP-DX plugin. |
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GROMACS | Molecular dynamics file is stored but not displayed | |||||||||||||||||||
GronOR | Will also include Fragment Wave Functions and Many-Electron Basis Functions (MEBFs) sections. |
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LAMMPS | ||||||||||||||||||||
Molcas | Will also include Symmetry information, SEWARD Integrals, bond distances and geom. opt. Restrictions. | IR Spectrum visualization using JSmol and the JCAMP-DX plugin. |
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Mopac | IR Spectrum visualization using JSmol and the JCAMP-DX plugin. | |||||||||||||||||||
Orca | IR Spectrum visualization using JSmol and the JCAMP-DX plugin. |
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Turbomole | IR Spectrum visualization using JSmol and the JCAMP-DX plugin. |
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VASP | On geometry optimizations, it will display initial and final geometries, side to side. | IR Spectrum visualization using JSmol and the JCAMP-DX plugin. |
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Information:Other modules: |