
Implementation level



CML extraction template


HTML5 representation


Template attributes


















Step Time CPU PotEng KinEng TotEng Enthalpy Temp Press Volume Density Cella Cellb Cellc CellAlpha CellBeta CellGamma
       0            0            0   -251712.73            0   -251712.73   -249625.61            0    41011.594    81536.298     11.26254    43.362768    43.362768    43.362768           90           90           90
     100         0.05    10.095992   -251781.03    252.98733   -251528.04   -250233.15    318.60575    24605.457     84316.37    10.891192    43.865149    43.843403    43.841909    90.083248    89.926643    89.904346
     200          0.1    20.191317    -251712.1      292.144   -251419.96   -251705.83    367.91867   -5323.8838    86029.812    10.674274    44.159056     44.12428    44.153099    90.295318    89.924338    89.771092
     300         0.15    30.431144   -251580.75    280.09057   -251300.66   -251269.69    352.73888    577.41271    85939.533    10.685488    44.136137    44.151916    44.104355    90.523589    89.911426    89.545686
     400          0.2    40.396035    -251671.5    331.92131   -251339.58   -251553.22    418.01318    -3972.446    86165.151    10.657508    44.204662    44.229721    44.075904    90.692058    89.940226    89.451883
     500         0.25    50.500032   -251625.13    303.80671   -251321.32   -251326.68    382.60638   -100.16461     85679.38    10.717932    44.176884    44.122329    43.962795    90.810811    89.987609    89.464337
     600          0.3    60.471975   -251680.41     305.6443   -251374.77   -251371.43     384.9206    62.366674    85592.738    10.728782    44.146663    44.018522    44.050933    90.757753    90.043298     89.54896
     700         0.35    70.601622    -251695.4     318.9768   -251376.42   -251297.31    401.71121     1482.807    85479.476    10.742998    44.092644    44.000189    44.064688    90.778967    90.127865    89.643866
     800          0.4    80.577136   -251726.63    292.77818   -251433.85   -251324.23    368.71733    2051.9063    85596.807    10.728272    44.104736    44.072441    44.041728    90.879925    90.224179    89.733529
     900         0.45    90.683058   -251658.44    317.04192    -251341.4   -251443.23    399.27446    -1900.723    85834.957    10.698506    44.151242    44.128413    44.062526    90.945548    90.276751    89.811958
    1000          0.5     100.6761   -251714.12    306.74721   -251407.37   -251592.69    386.30957   -3454.2197    85958.138    10.683175    44.163795    44.161229    44.080492     90.94757     90.31916    89.881871
Loop time of 20005 on 6 procs for 200000 steps with 6144 atoms

Output text

 1<comment class="example.output" id="steps">
 2      <module cmlx:templateRef="steps">
 3         <list cmlx:templateRef="steps" dictRef="steps">
 4            <array dataType="xsd:integer" dictRef="l:step" size="11">0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000</array>
 5            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:time" size="11">0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5</array>
 6            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:cpu" size="11">0 10.095992 20.191317 30.431144 40.396035 50.500032 60.471975 70.601622 80.577136 90.683058 100.6761</array>
 7            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:poteng" size="11">-251712.73 -251781.03 -251712.1 -251580.75 -251671.5 -251625.13 -251680.41 -251695.4 -251726.63 -251658.44 -251714.12</array>
 8            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:kineng" size="11">0 252.98733 292.144 280.09057 331.92131 303.80671 305.6443 318.9768 292.77818 317.04192 306.74721</array>
 9            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:toteng" size="11">-251712.73 -251528.04 -251419.96 -251300.66 -251339.58 -251321.32 -251374.77 -251376.42 -251433.85 -251341.4 -251407.37</array>
10            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:enthalpy" size="11">-249625.61 -250233.15 -251705.83 -251269.69 -251553.22 -251326.68 -251371.43 -251297.31 -251324.23 -251443.23 -251592.69</array>
11            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:temp" size="11">0 318.60575 367.91867 352.73888 418.01318 382.60638 384.9206 401.71121 368.71733 399.27446 386.30957</array>
12            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:press" size="11">41011.594 24605.457 -5323.8838 577.41271 -3972.446 -100.16461 62.366674 1482.807 2051.9063 -1900.723 -3454.2197</array>
13            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:volume" size="11">81536.298 84316.37 86029.812 85939.533 86165.151 85679.38 85592.738 85479.476 85596.807 85834.957 85958.138</array>
14            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:density" size="11">11.26254 10.891192 10.674274 10.685488 10.657508 10.717932 10.728782 10.742998 10.728272 10.698506 10.683175</array>
15            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:cella" size="11">43.362768 43.865149 44.159056 44.136137 44.204662 44.176884 44.146663 44.092644 44.104736 44.151242 44.163795</array>
16            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:cellb" size="11">43.362768 43.843403 44.12428 44.151916 44.229721 44.122329 44.018522 44.000189 44.072441 44.128413 44.161229</array>
17            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:cellc" size="11">43.362768 43.841909 44.153099 44.104355 44.075904 43.962795 44.050933 44.064688 44.041728 44.062526 44.080492</array>
18            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:cellAlpha" size="11">90 90.083248 90.295318 90.523589 90.692058 90.810811 90.757753 90.778967 90.879925 90.945548 90.94757</array>
19            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:cellBeta" size="11">90 89.926643 89.924338 89.911426 89.940226 89.987609 90.043298 90.127865 90.224179 90.276751 90.31916</array>
20            <array dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="l:cellGamma" size="11">90 89.904346 89.771092 89.545686 89.451883 89.464337 89.54896 89.643866 89.733529 89.811958 89.881871</array>
21         </list>
22      </module>
23    </comment>

Template definition

1<record />
2<record id="steps" repeat="*" makeArray="true">{I,l:step}{F,l:time}{F,l:cpu}{F,l:poteng}{F,l:kineng}{F,l:toteng}{F,l:enthalpy}{F,l:temp}{F,l:press}{F,l:volume}{F,l:density}{F,l:cella}{F,l:cellb}{F,l:cellc}{F,l:cellAlpha}{F,l:cellBeta}{F,l:cellGamma}</record>
3<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:list[count(*)=0]" />
4<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:list[count(*)=0]" />
5<transform process="addAttribute" xpath=".//cml:list" name="dictRef" value="steps" />