Using the shell client
The ioChem-BD shell client is intented to be deployed into a Linux box, where your calculations are generated and reside, or on any Linux/Mac machine where calculations are visible.
First we need to download the shell client into that box. To do so, you will first login in your Create Module, then click on Options in upper right menu bar and finally select Download shell client.
The Create module will generate a .zip bundle with all files. Decompress it using a command like:
$ unzip
After deflating this file you have to add executing rights to the start-rep-shell command and secure the properties file.
$ cd shell
$ chmod +x start-rep-shell
$ chmod 700 ./resources/
The next step is to connect to the Create module via our Linux shell client. Call the start-rep-shell script.
The call has to be made using the source command so to affect the current shell and to add our set of specific shell commands.
$ source start-rep-shell
Or its abreviatted form:
$ . start-rep-shell
If it is the first time we login or the server has been restarted, it will request our password to login and store the session cookie:
$ . start-rep-shell
Could not retrieve latest session cookie, please login again.
Password (empty to quit):
$ (start using shell commands...)
Once validated, the session cookie is stored and further uses won't require user to login.
More infornation: Shell commands