Gaussian ​
Gaussian ​
General Info ​
Gaussian - General Info - Main fields ​
Field | Source | Sample value |
Title | Set on Browse calculation publication | Sample calculation |
Browse Item | URL pointing Browse published item | |
Program | <scalar dictRef="cc:program"> <scalar dictRef="cc:program"> | Gaussian 09 |
Author | Username fullname | Doe, John |
Formula | Atom count from final geometry | H 1 O 40 P 1 Ti 1 W 11 |
Calculation type | Custom logic 1 | Geometry optimization Minimum |
Method | DFT | DFT |
↩︎$isOptimization Exists module <module cmlx:templateRef="l103" > ? $hasStationaryPoiny 'Stationary point found' appears in <module cmlx:templateRef="l103.optimizedparam" > ? $hasMinimum 'Search for a local minimum' appears in <module cmlx:templateRef="l103.localminsaddle" > ? $isEET Exists module <module cmlx:templateRef="l925" > ? <!-- Calculation type related constants --> <xsl:param name="isOptimization" as="xs:boolean"/> <xsl:param name="hasStationaryPoint" as="xs:boolean"/> <xsl:param name="hasMinimum" as="xs:boolean"/> <xsl:param name="isEET" as="xs:boolean"/> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$isEET"> <xsl:sequence select="'Excitation energy transfer'"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:variable name="calcType" select="if($isOptimization) then 'Geometry optimization' else 'Single point'"/> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$hasStationaryPoint"> <xsl:variable name="hasMinimum" select="if($hasMinimum) then ' Minimum' else ' TS'"/> <xsl:sequence select="concat($calcType, ' ' , $hasMinimum)"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:sequence select="concat($calcType, ' Structure')"/> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose>
Gaussian - General Info with additional fields (if thermochemistry module exists) ​
Field | Source | Sample value |
Temperature | <scalar dictRef="cc:temp"> | 298.15 K |
Pressure | <scalar dictRef="cc:press"> | 1.0 atm |
Atoms and Basis Sets ​
After header section, our HTML resume will output a xyz coordinates table with current molecule atoms.
For every atom, we will output it's serial number, atom type, coordinates in angstroms, basis used and core, or simply basis.
In geometry optimizations calculations, next to geometry section header there will appear the word (optimized), pointing that this geometry is the last one from all optimization steps and has converged.
If the geometry optimization did not converge, there will appear the phrase (calculation did not converge).
If there are multiple geometries we'll capture it's last appearance.
Molecular Info ​
This section captures molecule additional information not captured on previous section.
Molecular Info - Main fields ​
Field | Source | Description |
Multiplicity | Appears in
| |
Charge | It can appear on same places that multiplicity field and also in l9999.archive module | |
QMMM | <module cmlx:templateRef="l101.qmmm"> | |
Frozen section | <module cmlx:templateRef="l101.modredundant"> | |
Point group | <module cmlx:templateRef="l202.stoich"> | |
Solvation | <module cmlx:templateRef="l301.pcm.standard"> | Solvation parameters |
Modules ​
Energies ​
Data source: <scalar dictRef='g:rbhflyp'>
Data source: <scalar dictRef='cc:dispenergy'>
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='l120'>
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='l122'>
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='l716.zeropoint'>
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='l9999.archive'>
Spin ​
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='l601.mullikenspin'>
Data source: <scalar dictRef='cc:spincontamination'>
IR spectrum ​
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='l716.freq.chunkx'>
This module will display JSpecView + JSmol plugins (using javascript libraries) working together to represent molecule IR spectrum.
Mulliken atomic charges ​
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='mulliken'>
Dipole / Multipole moment ​
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef="multipole">
Electronic coupling for Excitation Energy Transfer ​
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef="l925">
Final Excitation Energies ​
Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='l914'>