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QuantumEspresso ​

QuantumEspresso ​

General Info ​

QuantumEspresso - General Info - Main fields ​

FieldSourceSample value
TitleSet on Browse calculation publicationsupercell2x2x2
Browse ItemURL pointing Browse published item
Programheader templateQuantumEspresso 6.1
AuthorUsername fullnameDoe, John
FormulaAtom count from final geometryBi 32 O 128 V 32
Calculation typeCustom logic [^1]Geometry optimization
MethodMethod used (fixed)DFT
FunctionalCustom logic [^2]Extracted from the initial section in parameters template

QuantumEspresso- General Info - Additional fields (if they appear in environ module) ​

FieldSourceSample value
Temperature<scalar dictRef="cc:parameter">static permittivity</scalar>298.87222246132 K
Pressure<scalar dictRef="cc:parameter">external pressure in input</scalar>-3454.231433506 atm

Settings ​

Most relevant calculation input parameters. All information fields come from <module cmlx:templateRef="parameters">

  • bravais-lattice index

  • lattice parameter (alat)

  • unit-cell volume

  • number of atoms/cell

  • number of atomic types

  • number of electrons

  • number of Kohn-Sham states

  • kinetic-energy cutoff

  • charge density cutoff

  • convergence threshold

  • mixing beta

  • number of iterations used

  • Exchange-correlation

  • ...

Atoms and Basis Sets ​

After settings section, our HTML resume will output cell coordinates, lattice vectors and a coordinates table with molecule atoms.

Geometry is read from input file using :<list cmlx:templateRef="atoms">, <list cmlx:templateRef="species">, <module cmlx:templateRef="lattice"> and <module cmlx:templateRef="axes"> for geometry optimizations.

For every atom, we will output it's serial number, atom type, cartesian and fractional coordinates (in angstroms) , and <list cmlx:templateRef="species">.

Molecular Info ​

This section captures molecule additional information not captured on previous section.

LDA+U calculation ​

Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='ldau'>

Kpoint list ​

Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='kpoints'>

Point group ​

Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef=''>

Modules ​

Forces ​

Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='forces'>

Energies ​

Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='energies'>

Magnetic moment per site ​

Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='magnetic'>

Eigenvalues ​

Data source <module cmlx:templateRef='eigenvalues'>

Projects wavefunctions onto orthogonalized atomic wavefunctions ​

Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='projwfc'>

Frequencies ​

Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='frequencies'>

Absorption spectra ​

Data source: <module id='qespresso.absorptionspec'>

Band structure ​

Data source: <module id='qespresso.bands'>

Projected DOS ​

Data source: <module id='qespresso.bands'>

Phonon dispersion ​

Data source: <module id='qespresso.phonon.input'>

Data source: <module id='qespresso.phonon'>

Phonon DOS ​

Data source: <module id='qespresso.phonon'>

[^1]: string qex:getCalcType string modName string calculation

        $modName  Name of the module <module cmlx:templateRef="header" >
        $calculation   Calculation type defined on <module cmlx:templateRef="qespresso.input" > , CONTROL section. 
       <!-- Calculation type related constants -->
       <xsl:param name="moduleName"/>
       <xsl:param name="calculation"/>
            <xsl:variable name="nCalculation" select="replace(helper:trim(upper-case($calculation)),'[^A-Z-]','')"/>          
                <xsl:when test="helper:trim(upper-case($moduleName)) = 'PWSCF'">
                        <xsl:when test="$nCalculation = 'VC-RELAX'">
                            <xsl:value-of select="$qex:GeometryOptimization"/>
                        <xsl:when test="$nCalculation = 'RELAX'">
                            <xsl:value-of select="$qex:GeometryOptimization"/>
                        <xsl:when test="$nCalculation = 'SCF'">
                            <xsl:value-of select="$qex:SinglePoint"/>
                        <xsl:when test="$nCalculation = 'BANDS'">
                            <xsl:value-of select="$qex:Bands"/>
                        <xsl:when test="$nCalculation = 'NSCF'">
                            <xsl:value-of select="$qex:NonSCF"/>
                        <xsl:when test="$nCalculation = 'MD'">
                            <xsl:value-of select="$qex:MolecularDynamics"/>
                        <xsl:when test="$nCalculation = 'CP'">
                            <xsl:value-of select="$qex:CarParrinello"/>
                        <xsl:when test="$nCalculation = 'CP-WF'">
                            <xsl:value-of select="$qex:CarParrinelloWF"/>
                            <xsl:value-of select="$qex:SinglePoint"/>
                <xsl:when test="helper:trim(upper-case($moduleName)) = 'PWNEB'">
                    <xsl:value-of select="$qex:NudgedElasticBand"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="$qex:SinglePoint"/>


        $functionals  Exchange-correlation parameter from <module cmlx:templateRef="parameter" >
        $functionalsFromFilenames  Functionals read from qex:pseudofile scalar on <module cmlx:templateRef="pseudopotential" >
        <xsl:param name="functionals"/>
        <xsl:param name="functionalsFromFilenames"/>

        <xsl:value-of select="if(exists($functionals)) then $functionals else $functionalsFromFilenames"/>