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For this specific format, the most relevant information is the trajectory file in its binary form (.xtc), mandatory on all uploads. ioChem-BD won't render such files but keep them inside the platform for its later download.

General Info ​

GROMACS - General Info - Main fields ​

FieldSourceSample value
TitleSet on Browse calculation publicationSample calculation
Browse ItemURL pointing Browse published item
Programprogram.header templateGROMACS 5.0.2
AuthorUsername fullnameDoe, John
Calculation typeFixed value (method used) [^1]Molecular Dynamics (NPT)

Settings ​

This section captures initialization settings like starting time, timestep used, coupling groups, etc.


Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='input.parameters'>

Atomic coordinates ​

After settings, our HTML resume will output a xyz coordinates table with current molecule atoms.

For every atom, we will output it's serial number, atom type, coordinates in angstroms.

Information its read from molecular structure file.

Modules ​

Energies ​

Data source: <module cmlx:templateRef='averages'>

Timing ​

Data sources:

[^1]: string gromacs:getCalcType string tcoupl string pcoupl

        $tcoupl  Variable tcoupl from module <module cmlx:templateRef="input" > 
        $pcoupl  Variable pcoupl from module <module cmlx:templateRef="input" >  
        <!-- Calculation type related constants -->                
        <xsl:variable name="gm:npt">NPT</xsl:variable>
        <xsl:variable name="gm:nvt">NVT</xsl:variable>
        <xsl:variable name="gm:nve">NVE</xsl:variable>
        <xsl:param name="tcoupl"  />
        <xsl:param name="pcoupl" />        
            <xsl:when test="not(exists($pcoupl)) or lower-case(gm:trim($pcoupl/text())) = 'no'">
                    <xsl:when test="not(exists($tcoupl)) or lower-case(gm:trim($tcoupl/text())) = 'no'">
                        <xsl:value-of select="$gm:nve"/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="$gm:nvt"/>                        
                <xsl:value-of select="$gm:npt"/>