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timing ​

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CML extraction template
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sourceAmber log

Input ​

   5.  TIMINGS

|  NonSetup CPU Time in Major Routines:
|     Routine           Sec        %
|     ------------------------------
|     Nonbond        6798.19   53.24
|     Bond              0.00    0.00
|     Angle             0.00    0.00
|     Dihedral          0.00    0.00
|     Shake           431.76    3.38
|     RunMD          5257.13   41.17
|     Other           282.06    2.21
|     ------------------------------
|     Total         12769.14

|  PME Nonbond Pairlist CPU Time:
|     Routine              Sec        %
|     ---------------------------------
|     Set Up Cit           0.00    0.00
|     Build List           0.00    0.00
|     ---------------------------------
|     Total                0.00    0.00

|  PME Direct Force CPU Time:
|     Routine              Sec        %
|     ---------------------------------
|     NonBonded Calc       0.00    0.00
|     Exclude Masked       0.00    0.00
|     Other               59.60    0.47
|     ---------------------------------
|     Total               59.60    0.47

|  PME Reciprocal Force CPU Time:
|     Routine              Sec        %
|     ---------------------------------
|     1D bspline           0.00    0.00
|     Grid Charges         0.00    0.00
|     Scalar Sum           0.00    0.00
|     Gradient Sum         0.00    0.00
|     FFT                  0.00    0.00
|     ---------------------------------
|     Total                0.00    0.00

|  Final Performance Info:
|     -----------------------------------------------------
|     Average timings for last  100000 steps:
|     Elapsed(s) =      25.50 Per Step(ms) =       0.25
|         ns/day =     677.69   seconds/ns =     127.49
|     Average timings for all steps:
|     Elapsed(s) =   12766.97 Per Step(ms) =       0.26
|         ns/day =     676.75   seconds/ns =     127.67
|     -----------------------------------------------------

|  Setup CPU time:            0.36 seconds
|  NonSetup CPU time:     12769.14 seconds
|  Total CPU time:        12769.50 seconds     3.55 hours

|  Setup wall time:           0    seconds
|  NonSetup wall time:    12767    seconds
|  Total wall time:       12767    seconds     3.55 hours

Input ​


|                Build the list            27.49 (99.73% of List )
|                Other                      0.08 ( 0.27% of List )
|             List time                 27.57 (13.07% of Nonbo)
|                   Short_ene time           156.46 (99.34% of Direc)
|                   Other                      1.03 ( 0.66% of Direc)
|                Direct Ewald time        157.49 (85.86% of Ewald)
|                Adjust Ewald time          0.70 ( 0.38% of Ewald)
|                Self Ewald time            0.01 ( 0.01% of Ewald)
|                   Fill Bspline coeffs        0.95 ( 3.79% of Recip)
|                   Fill charge grid           2.35 ( 9.36% of Recip)
|                   Scalar sum                 9.44 (37.67% of Recip)
|                   Grad sum                   4.60 (18.35% of Recip)
|                   FFT time                   7.72 (30.78% of Recip)
|                   Other                      0.01 ( 0.06% of Recip)
|                Recip Ewald time          25.07 (13.67% of Ewald)
|                Force Adjust               0.02 ( 0.01% of Ewald)
|                Virial junk                0.07 ( 0.04% of Ewald)
|                Other                      0.05 ( 0.03% of Ewald)
|             Ewald time               183.42 (86.92% of Nonbo)
|             Other                      0.02 ( 0.01% of Nonbo)
|          Nonbond force            211.01 (99.89% of Force)
|          Bond/Angle/Dihedral        0.20 ( 0.10% of Force)
|          Other                      0.03 ( 0.02% of Force)
|       Force time               211.25 (99.39% of Runmd)
|       Shake time                 0.81 ( 0.38% of Runmd)
|       Verlet update time         0.43 ( 0.20% of Runmd)
|       Other                      0.06 ( 0.03% of Runmd)
|    Runmd Time               212.55 (100.0% of Total)
|    Other                      0.07 ( 0.03% of Total)
| Total time               212.63 (100.0% of ALL  )

| Number of list builds   :        253

| Highest rstack allocated:     453370
| Highest istack allocated:       7628

| Final Performance Info:
| -----------------------------------------------------
| Average timings for all steps:
|     Elapsed(s) =     212.55 Per Step(ms) =      85.02
|         ns/day =       2.03   seconds/ns =   42510.43
| -----------------------------------------------------

|           Job began  at 11:14:57.831  on 11/16/2021
|           Setup done at 11:14:57.912  on 11/16/2021
|           Run   done at 11:18:30.463  on 11/16/2021
|     wallclock() was called  110524 times

|3D-RISM memory allocation summary
|Type          Maximum        Current   
|Integer       0.00000 GB     0.00000 GB
|Real          0.00000 GB     0.00000 GB
|Logical       0.00000 GB     0.00000 GB
|Character     0.00000 GB     0.00000 GB
|Total         0.00000 GB     0.00000 GB

Output text ​

<comment class="example.output" id="timing">
        <module cmlx:templateRef="timing">
         <module cmlx:templateRef="walltime">
            <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="cc:elapsedtime" units="si:s">12766.97</scalar>
            <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="am:elapsedstep" units="nonsi:milliseconds">0.26</scalar>
            <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="am:nsperday">676.75</scalar>
            <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="am:secondsperns">127.67</scalar>
            <scalar dataType="xsd:integer" dictRef="cc:wallTime" units="si:s">12767</scalar>
            <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="cc:cpuTime" units="si:s">12769.50</scalar>

Output text ​

<comment class="example.output" id="timing2">
        <module cmlx:templateRef="timing">
            <module cmlx:templateRef="walltime">
                <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="cc:elapsedtime" units="si:s">212.55</scalar>
                <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="am:elapsedstep" units="nonsi:milliseconds">85.02</scalar>
                <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="am:nsperday">2.03</scalar>
                <scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="am:secondsperns">42510.43</scalar>
                <scalar dataType="xsd:date" dictRef="cc:runDate">2021-11-16T11:14:57.831</scalar>
                <scalar dataType="xsd:date" dictRef="cc:dateEnd">2021-11-16T11:18:30.463</scalar>

Template definition ​

<templateList>  <template id="walltime" pattern="\s*\|\s+Final\sPerformance\sInfo:.*" endPattern="\s*" endPattern2=".*[0-9]$\s*\|\s+-&#123;20,&#125;]">    <templateList>      <template pattern="\s*\|\s+Average\stimings\sfor\sall\ssteps.*" endPattern="\s*\|\s*" endPattern2="~">        <record />        <record>\s*\|\s+Elapsed\(s\)\s*=&#123;F,cc:elapsedtime&#125;Per\sStep\(ms\)\s*=&#123;F,am:elapsedstep&#125;</record>        <record>\s*\|\s+ns\/day\s*=&#123;F,am:nsperday&#125;seconds/ns\s*=&#123;F,am:secondsperns&#125;</record>        <transform process="pullup" xpath=".//cml:scalar" />
        </template>  <template id="cputime" pattern="\s*\|\s+.*Setup\sCPU\stime:.*" endPattern=".*Total\sCPU\stime.*" endOffset="1">    <record repeat="2" />    <record>\s*\|\s+.*Total\sCPU\stime:&#123;F,cc:cpuTime&#125;seconds.*</record>
        </template>  <template id="walltime2" pattern="\s*\|\s+.*Setup\swall\stime:.*" endPattern="\s+" endPattern2="~" endOffset="1">    <record repeat="2" />    <record>\s*\|\s+.*Total\swall\stime:&#123;I,cc:wallTime&#125;seconds.*</record>
        </template>  <template id="jobDates" pattern="\s*\|\s*Job\s*began\s*at.*" endPattern="\s*\|\s*Run\s*done\s*at.*" endOffset="1">    <record>\s*\|\s*Job\s*began\s*at&#123;X,cc:runDate&#125;</record>    <record />    <record>\s*\|\s*Run\s*done\s*at&#123;X,cc:dateEnd&#125;</record>    <transform process="createDate" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:runDate']" format="HH:mm:ss.SSS  'on' MM/dd/yyyy" />    <transform process="createDate" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:dateEnd']" format="HH:mm:ss.SSS  'on' MM/dd/yyyy" />
<transform process="addUnits" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:elapsedtime']" value="si:s" />
<transform process="addUnits" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='am:elapsedstep']" value="nonsi:milliseconds" />
<transform process="addUnits" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:wallTime']" value="si:s" />
<transform process="addUnits" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='cc:cpuTime']" value="si:s" />
<transform process="pullup" xpath=".//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='walltime']//cml:scalar" repeat="2" />
<transform process="moveRelative" xpath=".//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='walltime2']//cml:scalar" to="ancestor::cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='timing']//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='walltime']" />
<transform process="moveRelative" xpath=".//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='cputime']//cml:scalar" to="ancestor::cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='timing']//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='walltime']" />
<transform process="moveRelative" xpath=".//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='jobDates']//cml:scalar" to="ancestor::cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='timing']//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='walltime']" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:list" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='walltime2']" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='cputime']" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='jobDates']" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:module[count(*) = 0]" />