l502 ​
Implementation level ​
Type | Status |
CML extraction template | |
HTML5 representation |
Template attributes ​
Attribute | Value |
source | Gaussian log |
id | l502 |
name | l502 |
repeat | * |
pattern | \s*(.*)\s+shell\s+SCF:.* |
endPattern | \s*KE=.*PE=.*EE=.* |
endOffset | 1 |
xml:base | l502.xml |
Comment ​
UHF open shell SCF:
Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within 128 cycles.
Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.
Requested convergence on energy=1.00D-06.
No special actions if energy rises.
Using DIIS extrapolation, IDIIS= 1040.
Integral symmetry usage will be decided dynamically.
111319 words used for storage of precomputed grid.
IEnd= 316322 IEndB= 316322 NGot= 6291456 MDV= 6044905
LenX= 6044905
Fock matrices will be formed incrementally for 20 cycles.
Cycle 1 Pass 1 IDiag 1:
Petite list used in FoFDir.
Input ​
Closed shell SCF:
Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within 128 cycles.
Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.
Requested convergence on energy=1.00D-06.
KE= 2.703895691388D+02 PE=-1.168579154050D+03 EE= 3.570202403265D+02
Output text ​
<comment class="example.output.raw" id="l502">
<module cmlx:templateRef="l502.cycle">
<list cmlx:templateRef="cycle">
<scalar dataType="xsd:integer" dictRef="cc:cycle">1</scalar>
<scalar dataType="xsd:integer" dictRef="g:pass">0</scalar>
<scalar dataType="xsd:integer" dictRef="g:idiag">1</scalar>
<module cmlx:lineCount="1" cmlx:templateRef="l502.e">
<list cmlx:templateRef="l502.e">
<scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="g:l502.e">-416.922513179685</scalar>
</module> Cycle 2 Pass 1 IDiag 1:
<module cmlx:lineCount="1" cmlx:templateRef="l502.ediff">
<list cmlx:templateRef="l502.ediff">
<scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="g:l502.e">-271.638809156166</scalar>
<scalar dataType="xsd:double" dictRef="g:l502.deltae">-1.3827246E-5</scalar>
Template definition ​
<templateList> <template id="l502.type" pattern="\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+shell\s*SCF.*" endPattern=".*" endOffset="0"> <record id="l502.type">\s+\w+\s+{A,g:l502.type}\s+.*</record>
</template> <template id="l502.type" pattern="\s+\w+\s+shell\s*SCF.*" endPattern=".*" endOffset="0"> <record id="l502.type">\s+{A,g:l502.type}\s+.*</record>
<transform process="pullup" xpath=".//cml:scalar[@dictRef='g:l502.type']" repeat="2" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:list[count(*)=0]" />
<transform process="delete" xpath=".//cml:module[count(*)=0]" />
<templateList> <xi:include href="l502/l502.cycle.xml" /> <xi:include href="l502/l502.footer.xml" />
<record id="l502" repeat="*">{X,g:l502}</record>
<transform process="delete" xpath="parent::cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='job'][exists(.//cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='l103'])]/cml:module[@cmlx:templateRef='l502' ][position() != last()]" />